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International Rights of Nature Tribunal – Paris



December 4th and 5th,  9:30am – 6:00pm each day (including an intermission)

Rights-of-Nature-International-Tribunal-homethmbThe current ecological crisis requires that we transform our international and domestic legal systems to nurture, rather than allow the destruction of the Earth community.  

The International Rights of Nature Tribunal will meet in Paris on 4th and 5th of December, in conjunction with UN Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC COP21. The Tribunal is a unique, citizen-created initiative.  It gives people from all around the world the opportunity to testify publicly as to the destruction of the Earth — destruction that governments and corporations not only allow, but in some cases encourage.   

Logo-RoNtribunal-esThe Tribunal features internationally renowned lawyers and leaders for planetary justice, who will hear cases addressing issues such as climate change, GMOs, fracking, extractive industries and other environmental violations. The Tribunal will offer judgments and recommendations for the Earth’s protection and restoration based on the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth. Among other things, the Declaration binds us to respect the integrity of the vital ecological processes of the Earth. Accordingly, the Declaration also helps advance proposed amendments to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court to recognize the crime of Ecocide.

The Tribunal is hosted by the Global Alliance for the Rights ofEnd Ecocide On EarthNature who holds the Secretariat and formal procedures for ongoing International Rights of Nature Tribunals. In Paris, the Global Alliance is honored to work in partnership with End Ecocide on Earth, and supported by NaturesRights and Attac France.


Space is limited, please register in advance.  Registration details to be presented soon.

Date and Time

  • Friday 4 – Saturday 5 December 2015
  • 9:30am – 6:00pm each day (including an intermission)


Among the esteemed panel of judges:

  • Tom Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network
  • Alberto Acosta, former President Ecuador Constitutional Assembly
  • Osprey Orielle Lake, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network
  • Michelle Maloney, Australia Earth Laws Alliance
  • Cormac Cullinan, author WildLaw: A Manifesto for Earth Justice

Among the Expert Witnesses and Case Presenters :

  • Pablo Solon, Fundacion Solon
  • Geneviève Azam, Attac France
  • Vandana Shiva, Navdanya (TBC)
  • Shannon Biggs, Movement Rights
  • Casey Camp Horinek, Indigenous Environmental Network
  • Maude Barlow, Council of Canadians (TBC)
  • Esperanza Martinez, Acción Ecologica
  • Patricia Gualinga, Kichwa of Sarayaku, Ecuador
  • Carlos Lareas, Universidad Andina Simón Bolivar
  • Kandi Mossett, Indigenous Environmental Network

Prosecutors for the Earth:

  • Ramiro Avila, Universidad Andina Simón Bolivar
  • Linda Sheehan, Earth Law Center

International Rights of Nature Tribunal Paris Secretariat:

  • Natalia Greene, Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature
  • Michelle Maloney, Australia Earth Laws Alliance
  • Grant Wilson, Earth Law Center

Tribunal Venue in Paris

la maison des métallosMaison de Metallos
94 Rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011 Paris, France

line 2 Stop: Couronnes
line 3 Stop: Parmentier

Bus line 96
• Stop Maison des métallos (direction Gare Montparnasse)
• Stop Saint-Maur/Jean Aicard (direction Porte des Lilas)

Station Vélib (bicycles) nº 11032

Parking 11 rue des Trois Bornes, ouvert jusqu’à 21h

The Tribunal provides a systemic alternative to environmental protection, acknowledging that ecosystems have the right to exist, persist, maintain and regenerate their vital cycles, with legal standing in a court of law. The Tribunal has a strong focus on enabling Indigenous Peoples to share their unique concerns and solutions about land, water, air and culture with the global community.